22 Ways You Can Save More Money When "Going Raw"

Posted by naharazizi on Monday, October 17, 2011

Who does not like saving more money? If you have recently gotten interested in the raw food diet and lifestyle, and try to find more ways to save money, here is a collection of money saving tips for you. Finding ways to make this diet sustainable for you and your wallet is probably one of the most important factors in making it work for vas.Druga two factors that you need to make it fun and healthy / balanced!

1 Invest in a dehydrator and make your own chips, crackers, cookies, dehydrated nuts, so it's helpful to note the ingredients of packaged raw food snacks and make your own version of them at home. It can be fun and that way you can make enough for some friends too.

2 Borrow raw food and other health / spiritual books from the library instead of buying them and reading them from a bookstore or online. You would be surprised how many raw food books library system has. Most library websites have a demand function that will transfer the book (s) to your local branch and notify you when it is ready for pick up.

3 Additional options of the book: You can organize a book exchange with some other health-conscious friends. Or you can buy those books you know what you want for your personal collection of online bookstores like Amazon.com.

4 Buy your supplements online and preferably in bulk, if possible.

5 If you do not need or want a lot of products, creation of cooperatives with your friends, buy in bulk, and split deliveries.

6 Make your own beauty products from the food we now have in your kitchen.

7 Creating and sharing food with friends to try out new recipes and save time and money: Or that raw food recipes in large batches and share among friends, or organize your own potluck and invite some friends. To make it easy on them, you can give them some easy recipes to choose from them or directly to one of the many raw food recipe websites online.

8 Buy used kitchen equipment:. Check online and at local health food stores on the bulletin board, or ask your friends and family if they have a food processor, blender, juicer or not used to be able to borrow

9 Join a great team and save big on family sized bags and boxes for fruits and vegetables. You'll probably go through this as quickly as the family! You can find avocados, dates, organic spinach, nuts, some frozen fruit, and select organic fresh fruit in the stores.

10 Create your own raw food recipe book with all of your favorite or most appealing recipes by copying and pasting all of your favorite recipes posted on-line in a word processing document. You can use the find function just like the index of the book.

11 Always search several online sites for the best price before buying online (especially supplements). This is usually the same product on-line compared to the raw food restaurant or health food store.

12 Make your own Rejuvelac and / or Kombucha if you can. Do not search online for ingredients and instructions. It is very easy and economical to make. It could save you money on Probiotic supplements as well.

13 Sprout your seeds. Each tray of sprouts will only cost you about .20 -. 30 cents each and $ 4-5 U.S. dollars in trade.

14 Stores where organic food is very affordable first: Buy a good idea of organic food is available at farmers' markets or smaller products to stores before the big chain natural food stores. Then figure out the menu and recipe ideas for a week, based on what you have to work with in the refrigerator.

15 Buy all your spices and nuts, seeds, grains and dried fruits in the bulk section of your big chain natural food stores. Since you do not pay for packaging, it is much cheaper.

16 If possible, buy a mint, basil, rosemary and other fresh herbs in the bulk section of natural foods stores for great savings.

17 If you can not afford to buy all organic produce (some are quite difficult to even find organic), switch to buying conventional product for those fruits and vegetables carries the least amount of pesticides when grown conventionally: broccoli, eggplant, cabbage, bananas, kiwi , asparagus, sweet peas, mango, pineapple, corn, avocado, onion. Buy only organic for the "dirty dozen" produce found to carry the maximum amount of pesticides when grown conventionally: peaches, apples, sweet bell peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, lettuce, imported grapes, pears, spinach and potatoes.

18. Love your veggies on the sea? Avoid buying a $ 5 to $ 6 bags unless they experiment with new ones. Buying online in bulk (2-4 lbs at a time) is the most economical. You can also split an order with someone else to share the cost of shipping and handling.

19 Forage for free wild foods for super nutrition (eg dandelion, clover, purslane, stinging nettle, etc.). Use some of these greens in salads, smoothies, and juices and save money at the store.

20 Sign up to receive news with raw food online stores for announcements of special sales and promotions. Be informed and take advantage of when you need to restock on supplies!

21 Join the business loyalty marketing as elements for life and get access to superfoods and supplements at a discount. I go in your own home business to start earning money so that you can afford spending more on healthy foods and super foods. Get a free education on raw foods and superfoods with these types of companies as well!

22 Do not forget all those other areas you're saving in now if you live more than a raw vegan lifestyle: gas bills, doctor and hospital visits, medicines, OTC medicines, coffee, soda, candy, (and other junk food,) expensive food restaurants (not that it will not go to you again, but you will not be ordering a $ 35 appetizers and entrees and desserts there ).