energy drink is so popular these days that can be found almost everywhere. Energy drinks consumed by millions of people each month. This is great for consumers but bad for human health. Most consumers do not drink energy drinks on a regular basis, but there are some consumers who ne.Potrošači who drink it regularly will eventually feel the negative side effects. In the short term, most energy drinks do not cause major health problems. In the long run, they can lead to serious chronic diseases. Side effects can range from:. Insomnia, headaches, stomach, tremors, dehydration, blood sugar spikes, the impact energy, and increased heart and breathing
of the study of energy drinks, I would say more than ninety-eight percent of them are not safe to drink. To make matters worse, most brands of them are sugar-free versions verzije.Sugar are worst than the regular ones because they contain artificial sladilo.Najčešći artificial sweetener found in energy drinks is sucralose. Energy drinks are usually cheap synthetic vitamins and minerals, and synthetic chemicals. It also contains a lot of energy mix, such as taurine, herbs and kofein.Bilja should not cause major health problems, but some plants may have strange side effects when mixed with other kemikalijama.Sastojci the energy drink that I'm most concerned about are synthetic vitamins and minerals, refined sugar and sucralose
.Synthetic Vitamins and Minerals:
vitamins and minerals found in most energy drinks are cheaply made and sintetičkih.Glavna purpose of this is to increase profits. Certain synthetic vitamins and minerals are more stable than their natural version, which is why drink manufacturers such as how to use them in their products. Energy drinks typically contain lots of water-soluble vitamins such as B-vitamins and vitamin C. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve quickly in liquid, therefore it is useless to add them to drink. For this reason, when you consume energy drinks, which are basically the last beverage that is full of empty calories.
refined sugar:
Refined sugar is different from the natural sugar found in fruits and vegetables, because it is devoid of nutrients. These nutrients the body needs for the safe use of sugar. If these nutrients are missing, the body can not effectively sugar metabolism. This can lead to the formation of toxic metabolites that can destroy cells interfering with their breathing process.
Sucralose is an artificial sweetener that acts much like refined sugar, but can be toxic to the body. Sucralose is more than 100 times sweeter than regular sugar and produces chlorinating sugar. For this reason, it is usually contaminated with chlorine. Some researchers have argued that sucralose is not harmful, as it passes through the digestive tract unchanged. If what they said was true, how is it that people can not taste? Industry experts have argued that the chemical structure of sucralose is similar to sugar, but independent researchers have argued that it is more similar to pesticides. Some independent researchers have even claimed that sucralose can increase the risk of degenerative brain diseases. Sucralose is sold under the brand name Splenda and is widely used in sugar-free products.
One of the common questions people have asked me about the energy drink is: "Is taurine comes from bull testicles?" To find out if it is true that this question please read.