Preventing obesity will never happen without us education on the causes of obesity.
Did you know that in 1957 the fast-food hamburger weighs only 1 oz., Consisting of 210 calories. So 35 years later, that same fast-food hamburger now weighs 6 oz. and consists of 618 calories. Well, this is an increase of 408 calories for the same meal. Lets face it, fat just tastes good! Preventing obesity is not easy to supersize portions are delivered to restaurants.
Fast Food Mania
As far as fast food mania what is happening today, here are some interesting facts. Back in 1972, we spent three billion U.S. dollars a year on fast food. In 2009 we spent more than $ 110 billion .. In order to be about $ 19.6 million per hour to the American public spent on fast food.
Did you consume liquid candy with Soft Drinks?
Now how liquid candy, which many refer to as soft drinks, if you review history, especially Cola in 1894 consisted of only 6.5 ounces and contains 79 calories. Today, it consists of 20 ounces and contains 250 calories. Knowing these facts, listen to this. David Ludwig, director of the Obesity Program Children's Hospital Boston, said his research shows that "each additional daily serving of alcoholic beverages, the risk that a child becoming obese increases by 60 percent ."
As parents, how many have seen as a form of non-alcoholic beverages "Liquid Sugar base "?
If you are concerned you should be. Research shows that 56 per cent to 85 per cent of children drink sodas every day.
Teenage boys drink, on average, three sugared soft drinks a day, even preschool children drank 7 ounces. Soft drinks have replaced milk in many of the young child's diet.
Americans consume the equivalent of 20-33 teaspoons of sugar per person per day. About 30 percent of the non-alcoholic beverages, but also the number one supplement.
dangers of energy drinks
Today, most people are aware of "energy drinks" like Red Bull, Monster, Rock Star, Amazon Energy drink, the earthquake energy, and much, much more. Why refer to these Beverages Energy Drink?
First of all, the average amount of sugar per 8 oz. serving these energy drinks is between 25 -. 30 grams, and they are also loaded with caffeine
According to an Australian medical researchers of the study, and caffeine loaded drinks popular students and adrenaline sport that their "wings", caused the blood becomes sticky, a precursor to cardiovascular problems such as stroke.
one hour after consuming Energy Drink
study also showed that one hour after drinking one of these energy drinks, person's blood system is no longer normal. They were abnormal like one would expect in patients with cardiovascular disease.
One particular energy drink is banned in Norway, Uruguay and Denmark because of health risks published on the cans.
childhood obesity
In conclusion, let me say this, if you really want to prevent childhood obesity, and if you care to family members and friends, educate yourself on the health challenges we face with the "fast-foods and liquids Candy Soft drinks ". He stated that our children today will be the first generation of parents do not live there. Why? Obesity is the number one cause as far as I'm concerned. I urge you to take charge of your family's health and allows all to learn to prevent obesity?