Ok, so that at the end of the fasting period approaches and brings with it the time of year to feel good about eating and eating. It will soon be Easter -. Easter bunnies, eggs, marzipan, chocolate, drinks and many other things that make us feel good, but the potential dangers for our pets
Yes, every holiday season brings with it added responsibility for pet parents. Read on to find what we can do to ensure that our pets too much to enjoy this Easter without getting injured or falling ill.
Chocolate is the number one potential health risk to all lists five risk. And with good reason too. It contains caffeine and theobromine, which can lead to heart enlargement and increased blood pressure. Symptoms of chocolate poisoning include hyperactivity, thirst, vomiting and diarrhea. Timely treatment is essential, or death can occur in as little as three to six hours. So keep those boxes of candy from Fido and Whiskers.
Plants - many plants, in fact, more than ever to know, are harmful to pets. Of course, they are distributed around the world, and not everyone will have a presence in your neighborhood. However, you should know that the Easter Lily is poisonous to your pets. If your cat nibbles any part of this plant can lead to kidney failure very quickly. If treatment is not provided within three hours, kidney damage can not be undone.
Decorations & Wrappers - These are poisonous, as well as choking hazards. Wrappers cover food items may have some parts or tit-bits holding them, and they are dangerous temptations for your pets. Ornaments made of plastic, rubber, tinsel can cause intestinal blockage if swallowed, then surgery is the only option. Basket grass is another indigestible decoration that can cause intestinal problems if swallowed.
food - food and drink intended for human consumption May or May not agree with their pets. Garlic, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, and grapes are just some of the foods that will harm your beloved pet if it swallows you. Signs and symptoms of poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, irregular heartbeat. If left untreated can lead to severe dehydration and even death.
common sense due diligence, such as keeping garbage bags closed, with no toxic garden plants in the yard, keeping pets on a leash, or when they have a separate party, not leaving food scraps behind, so they can help save your pet life . Make Easter without danger to their beloved pets and enjoy.