Can Diabetics Have "Fast Food"? 5 Tips For Eating "Fast Food" Occasionally

Posted by naharazizi on Thursday, October 13, 2011

Although it is May be difficult to recognize, such as diabetes, we know that fast food is the best way for us to go. But we live in a fast paced world, and we are constantly surrounded by fast food restaurants. Who has not had kids or grandkids in the car spotting every fast food place on the road? I know that I give in once in a while that my younger grandchildren and treat them to "kids meal". I'm willing to bet it do the same thing!

Although the golden arches, etc. May be tempting, it is best to pass them as often as possible. However, still there are times we do what we do. If you absolutely must have something quick and you can find only in the "fast food alley", do not despair. Or maybe you just need to give the little ones and go for it. Fast food is an option when ordered correctly. Here are some tips that will help you make good decisions when you step into that bastion of greasy fried foods.

1 Be sure that the small size. Forget the "Super Size value," the cashier will entice you s. Remember, this is not the "value" if it should not have.

2 Avoid deep fried foods. You know you should not have them, so forget it! No fries for you to make a little side salad instead. And go easy on preljev.Rominjati will not hurt you. The entire package will!

3 When you order a sandwich, go for the chicken or the smallest size of burger. Then you have to put this important step, seek to be a sandwich with no dressing and mayo-based sauces. If you want something on a sandwich, ask for mustard, ketchup, lettuce, tomato, pickle and / or onion. If you get a small burger, roll off the excess pastry. Many times the burger is almost lost in a big cake. You know you should not have that extra bread! Or you can remove the top of the cake, remove more than half of bread.

4 Drink water or unsweetened tea. Yes, you can have that drink diet if you really need. However, water is best for you with unsweetened tea following a close second.

5 Skip dessert. You really should not be fried pie or cookies, etc. If you really need to attend a dessert, go for fruit and yogurt parfait, or just an ice cream cone.

As you can see, it's really possible to do fast food once in a while without feeling guilty. It would only be a rare opportunity. As a diabetic, we simply can not afford to visit the "fast food joints" on a regular basis.