When food is improperly handled or prepared, it can pick up disease-causing bacteria, viruses and parasites. Fortunately, the parasites are rare causes of food poisoning, but can cause long-lasting symptoms. Two parasites that can be carried in food are Giardia and crytopsoridium.
Giardiasis is a disease that causes proljev.Maleni protozoans are tough outer shell that allows them to survive for months outside the host. They carried the body in the feces, they can remain in water supplies. From here, when food crops such as fruits and vegetables are watered with Giardia-infested fluid, they can become carriers of the parasite. In addition, if the crops grown in soil that is contaminated with Giardia, it can also cause food to be contaminated.
Fortunately, eating a food can prevent Giardiasis. However, if you notice symptoms such as diarrhea, gas, fat and floating stools, abdominal cramps, nausea, May you be infected with this parasite. Giardia can cause weight loss and dehydration također.Znakovi usually appear about a week after eating tainted food, so it can be difficult to pinpoint the source of their illness.
Your doctor usually will ask for a stool sample to look for signs of Giardia if you feel that you are suffering from this parasite. There are some prescription medications that can help you in relation to infection, but otherwise, it may take up to six weeks.
Cryptosporidium is a parasite that causes diarrheal disease called cryptosporidiosis, sometimes abbreviated crypto. Like Giardia, cryptosporidia are protective outer shell that will enable them to survive in harsh conditions. Cryptosporidia can even live through chlorine disinfection, meaning that it can survive in water for drinking. Once you consume the water or eat food that is prepared with a crypto-with water, the parasite can be set up residence in the small intestine. From here, you may notice abdominal pain, fatigue, weight loss, and nausea. However, Crypto is characterized by large amounts of watery diarrhea that you May have a few times a day.
to diagnose this condition, you will usually need to submit several stool samples to the laboratory for analysis. If you find that you have crypto, there is no one remedy that you can take to alleviate their disease completely. However, there are several medications that can help, such as nitazoxanide. However, the main thing you have to do is wait and keep your immune system healthy, so you can fight the parasites on their own. This can take up to a month.
Restaurants and shops should provide a safe, a parasite without food. However, if they fail in this duty to you, you can remain ill for a long period of time. If you or someone you know has suffered from food parasites, you should consult a lawyer about the possibilities of product liability. For more information, contact the San Antonio product liability attorney today.